Space Invaders

Sunday. Paris.

Like most big cities around the world, Paris has its fair share of random occurrences. Turn around the corner, and you see something you least expect in front of you - or above you, for that matter. I've come across such similar random sightings in my walks around one or the other of the city's arrondissements.

Among those which have particularly caught my attention to me have been a series of mosaics found all over the city - a rather unique kind of street art by someone called Space Invader. Any kind of street art is illegal in France, and this isn't your stereotypical graffiti either, so I find it somewhat interesting that someone goes through all this trouble to put up little pixelated monster mosaics up around the city.

Lots of buildings around the city tend to have large murals painted on their sides - another (more legal, I think?) take on street art. I've come across a few which piqued my curiosity - including those with faux windows which at first glance mislead you into thinking they're actually a part of the building. But they're not. Evidently.

As for other random sights: Saturday, for example, while walking from a Japanese patisserie - a new favourite of mine, by the way - with Cody and his friends, we saw a group of about fifteen unicyclists speeding down the footpath. Surprisingly (and impressively) not all of them were adults - a number of our unicyclists being between 10-15 years old. Two of them happened to be carrying a bench as well. What else can I say? While I don't have pictures of this budding circus troupe (they were too fast for me and my camera), do check out others below, because they truly do speak for themselves (the last one especially).

P.S. Cody will eventually have a more expansive treatise on other Parisian street artists - of whom I'm slowly learning, and to some extent appreciating a bit more.


Stephanie Chow said...

you're right; that's unexpected and amazing at the same time.

the first pixelated monster is so cute!

Unknown said...

Tree + poem = awesome